Source code for yaslha.dumper

"""Dumpers to write SLHA data in various format."""

import enum
import json
import re
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (

import ruamel.yaml

import yaslha
import yaslha.config
import yaslha.line
import yaslha.utility
from yaslha._line import format_comment
from yaslha.block import Block, Decay, InfoBlock

BlockLike = Union[Block, InfoBlock, Decay]
T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]@enum.unique class BlocksOrder(enum.Enum): """Options for block ordering.""" DEFAULT = 0 KEEP = 1 ABC = 2
[docs]@enum.unique class ValuesOrder(enum.Enum): """Options for value ordering.""" DEFAULT = 0 KEEP = 1 SORTED = 2
[docs]@enum.unique class CommentsPreserve(enum.Enum): """Options for comment handling.""" NONE = 0 TAIL = 1 ALL = 2 @property def keep_line(self): # type: ()->bool """Return if to keep line-level comments.""" return self == CommentsPreserve.ALL @property def keep_tail(self): # type: ()->bool """Return if to keep tail comments of value lines.""" return self != CommentsPreserve.NONE
[docs]class AbsDumper(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract class for YASLHA dumpers.""" @abstractmethod def _read_config(self, sw: yaslha.config.SectionWrapper) -> None: self._config = { "blocks_order": sw.get_enum("blocks_order", BlocksOrder), "values_order": sw.get_enum("values_order", ValuesOrder), "comments_preserve": sw.get_enum("comments_preserve", CommentsPreserve), } # type: MutableMapping[str, Any]
[docs] @abstractmethod def config(self, k: str) -> Any: """Get a current value of configuration.""" return self._config[k]
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_config(self, k: str, v: Any) -> None: """Set configuration.""" if any( [ k == "blocks_order" and not isinstance(v, BlocksOrder), k == "values_order" and not isinstance(v, ValuesOrder), k == "comments_preserve" and not isinstance(v, CommentsPreserve), ] ): raise TypeError(k, v) self._config[k] = v
@abstractmethod def __init__(self, **kw: Any) -> None: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def dump(self, slha: "yaslha.slha.SLHA") -> str: """Return dumped string of an SLHA object."""
def _blocks_sorted(self, slha): # type: (yaslha.slha.SLHA)->List[Union[Block, InfoBlock]] slha.normalize(decays=False) if self.config("blocks_order") == BlocksOrder.KEEP: return list(slha.blocks.values()) block_names = list(slha.blocks.keys()) if self.config("blocks_order") == BlocksOrder.ABC: block_names.sort() else: block_names = yaslha.utility.sort_blocks_default(block_names) return [slha.blocks[name] for name in block_names] def _decays_sorted(self, slha): # type: (yaslha.slha.SLHA)->List[Decay] slha.normalize(blocks=False) if self.config("values_order") == ValuesOrder.KEEP: return list(slha.decays.values()) pids = list(slha.decays.keys()) if self.config("values_order") == ValuesOrder.SORTED: pids.sort() else: pids = yaslha.utility.sort_pids_default(pids) return [slha.decays[pid] for pid in pids] def _block_lines_ordered(self, block): # type: (BlockLike)->Sequence[yaslha.line.AbsLine] sort = self.config("values_order") != ValuesOrder.KEEP if ( isinstance(block, Block) and self.config("values_order") == ValuesOrder.DEFAULT and == "MASS" ): keys = yaslha.utility.sort_pids_default(list(block.keys())) return [block._data[k] for k in keys] else: return [line for _, line in block._lines(sort=sort)] @staticmethod def _document_out(lines: Sequence[str]) -> List[str]: return [ "#" if not lines else line.replace(" ", "#", 1) if line.startswith(" ") else "#" + line.replace(" ", " ", 1) for line in lines ]
[docs]class SLHADumper(AbsDumper): """A dumper class for SLHA output.""" def _update_line_option(self) -> None: self.line_option.block_str = self.config("block_str") self.line_option.decay_str = self.config("decay_str") self.line_option.comment = self.config("comments_preserve").keep_tail self.line_option.pre_comment = self.config("comments_preserve").keep_line def _read_config(self, sw: yaslha.config.SectionWrapper) -> None: super()._read_config(sw) self._config["separate_blocks"] = sw.getboolean("separate_blocks") self._config["forbid_last_linebreak"] = sw.getboolean("forbid_last_linebreak") self._config["document_blocks"] = sw.get_list("document_blocks") self._config["block_str"] = sw["block_str"] self._config["decay_str"] = sw["decay_str"] self._config["float_lower"] = sw.getboolean("float_lower") self._config["write_version"] = sw.getboolean("write_version") self._update_line_option()
[docs] def config(self, k: str) -> Any: """Get a current value of configuration.""" return super().config(k)
[docs] def set_config(self, k: str, v: Any) -> None: """Set configuration.""" # check before set pass # set super().set_config(k, v) # operations after set if k in ["block_str", "decay_str", "comments_preserve"]: self._update_line_option()
def __init__(self, **kw: Any) -> None: self.line_option = yaslha.line.LineOutputOption() self._read_config(yaslha.cfg["SLHADumper"]) for k, v in kw.items(): self.set_config(k, v) def _version_comment(self) -> str: return "# written by {} {}".format(yaslha.__pkgname__, yaslha.__version__) def _version_comment_regexp(self) -> str: return r"^\s*#\s*written\s+by\s+{}\s+".format(yaslha.__pkgname__)
[docs] def dump(self, slha: "yaslha.slha.SLHA") -> str: """Return SLHA-format text of an SLHA object.""" document_blocks = [ v.upper() for v in self.config("document_blocks") # normalize to upper ] # type: Sequence[str] lines = [] # type: List[str] for block in self._blocks_sorted(slha): lines.extend( self.dump_block(block, document_block=( in document_blocks)) ) if self.config("separate_blocks"): lines.append("#") for decay in self._decays_sorted(slha): lines.extend( self.dump_block(decay, document_block=( in document_blocks)) ) if self.config("separate_blocks"): lines.append("#") if self.config("separate_blocks"): lines.pop() if self.config("comments_preserve").keep_line: for c in slha.tail_comment: lines.append(format_comment(c, add_sharp=True, strip=False)) # replace version string if self.config("write_version"): re_version = re.compile(self._version_comment_regexp()) lines = [v for v in lines if not re_version.match(v)] lines.insert(0, self._version_comment()) result = "\n".join(lines) + "\n" if self.config("forbid_last_linebreak"): result = result.rstrip() return result
[docs] def dump_block(self, block, document_block=False): # type: (BlockLike, bool)->List[str] """Return SLHA-format text of a block.""" lines = block.head.to_slha(self.line_option) for line in self._block_lines_ordered(block): lines.extend(line.to_slha(self.line_option)) # special spacing for MASS block if isinstance(block, Block) and == "MASS": re_mass = re.compile(r"^\s*(\d+)") lines = [ re_mass.sub(lambda x: " {:>9}".format(, i) for i in lines ] return self._document_out(lines) if document_block else lines
[docs]class AbsMarshalDumper(AbsDumper): """An abstract class for dumpers handling marshaled data.""" SCHEME_VERSION = 3 # type: ClassVar[int] def _read_config(self, sw: yaslha.config.SectionWrapper) -> None: return super()._read_config(sw)
[docs] def config(self, k: str) -> Any: """Get a current value of configuration.""" return super().config(k)
[docs] def set_config(self, k: str, v: Any) -> None: """Set configuration.""" super().set_config(k, v)
def _format_specification(self) -> Any: return OrderedDict( type="SLHA", formatter="{} {}".format(yaslha.__pkgname__, yaslha.__version__), scheme=self.SCHEME_VERSION, )
[docs] def marshal(self, slha): # type: (yaslha.slha.SLHA)->Mapping[str, Any] """Return Mashaled object of an SLHA object.""" blocks = OrderedDict() # type: MutableMapping[str, Any] for block in self._blocks_sorted(slha): blocks[] = self.marshal_block(block) decays = OrderedDict() # type: MutableMapping[int, Any] for decay in self._decays_sorted(slha): decays[] = self.marshal_block(decay) tail_comments = [format_comment(c, strip=False) for c in slha.tail_comment] result = OrderedDict() # type: MutableMapping[str, Any] result["format"] = self._format_specification() if blocks: result["block"] = blocks if decays: result["decay"] = decays if self.config("comments_preserve").keep_line and tail_comments: result["tail_comments"] = tail_comments return result
[docs] def marshal_block(self, block: "BlockLike") -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Return marshaled object of a block.""" info = block.head.dump() value = [] comment = [] comment.extend(block.head._dump_comment()) for line in self._block_lines_ordered(block): value.append(line.dump()) comment.extend(line._dump_comment()) comment = [ c for c in comment if (c[0] == "pre" and self.config("comments_preserve").keep_line) or (c[0] != "pre" and self.config("comments_preserve").keep_tail) ] result = OrderedDict() # type: MutableMapping[str, Any] if info: result["info"] = info if value: result["values"] = value if comment: result["comments"] = comment return result
[docs]class YAMLDumper(AbsMarshalDumper): """A dumper for YAML output.""" def __init__(self, **kw: Any) -> None: self._read_config(yaslha.cfg["YAMLDumper"]) for k, v in kw.items(): self.set_config(k, v) self.yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() self.yaml.default_flow_style = None # we need not it is marked as omap (OrderedDict); # it could be just a dict as an output. # (but we may change the mind....) self.yaml.representer.yaml_representers[ OrderedDict ] = self.yaml.representer.yaml_representers[dict] # # another idea... # def represent_list(self, data): # flow_style = all(isinstance(i, str) or not hasattr(i, '__iter__') # for i in data) # return self.represent_sequence(u',2002:seq', data, # flow_style=flow_style) # self.yaml.representer.yaml_representers[list] = represent_list
[docs] def dump(self, slha: "yaslha.slha.SLHA") -> str: """Return YAML-format text of an SLHA object.""" stream = ruamel.yaml.compat.StringIO() self.yaml.dump(self.marshal(slha), stream) return cast(str, stream.getvalue())
[docs]class JSONDumper(AbsMarshalDumper): """A dumper for JSON output.""" def __init__(self, **kw: Any) -> None: self._read_config(yaslha.cfg["JSONDumper"]) for k, v in kw.items(): self.set_config(k, v) self.indent = 2
[docs] def dump(self, slha: "yaslha.slha.SLHA") -> str: """Return JSON-format text of an SLHA object.""" return json.dumps(self.marshal(slha), indent=self.indent)