Source code for yaslha.block

"""Block-like object of SLHA data."""

import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (

from yaslha._collections import OrderedTupleOrderInsensitiveDict
from yaslha.comment import CommentInterface
from yaslha.line import (

T = TypeVar("T")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

KT = TypeVar("KT", KeyType, InfoKeyType)
VT = TypeVar("VT", ValueType, InfoValueType)
LT = TypeVar("LT", ValueLine, InfoLine)
CT = TypeVar("CT", str, List[str])
KTG = TypeVar("KTG", KeyType, InfoKeyType, DecayKeyType)

[docs]class GenericBlock(Generic[KTG, CT], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Block-like object containing comments.""" @abstractmethod def __init__(self) -> None: self.head = NotImplemented # type: Union[BlockHeadLine, DecayHeadLine] self._comment = CommentInterface(self) # type: CommentInterface[KTG, CT] @property def comment(self) -> "CommentInterface[KTG, CT]": """Give the interface to comments.""" return self._comment @abstractmethod def _get_comment(self, key: KTG) -> CT: pass @abstractmethod def _get_pre_comment(self, key: KTG) -> List[str]: pass @abstractmethod def _set_comment(self, key: KTG, value: CT) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def _set_pre_comment(self, key: KTG, value: Sequence[str]) -> None: pass @classmethod @overload def new(cls, obj: Union[int, DecayHeadLine]) -> "Decay": """...""" pass @classmethod # noqa: F811 @overload def new(cls, obj: Union[str, BlockHeadLine]) -> Union["Block", "InfoBlock"]: """...""" pass
[docs] @classmethod # noqa: F811 def new( cls, obj: Union[int, str, DecayHeadLine, BlockHeadLine] ) -> "Union[Block, InfoBlock, Decay]": """Create a GenericBlock object according to the argument.""" if isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, DecayHeadLine): return Decay(obj) name = if isinstance(obj, BlockHeadLine) else obj if name.endswith("INFO"): return InfoBlock(obj) else: return Block(obj)
[docs]class AbsBlock(GenericBlock[KT, CT], Generic[KT, VT, LT, CT], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract class for SLHA blocks.""" @abstractmethod def __init__(self, obj: Union[BlockHeadLine, str]) -> None: super().__init__() if isinstance(obj, BlockHeadLine): self.head = obj # type: BlockHeadLine elif isinstance(obj, str): self.head = BlockHeadLine(name=obj) else: raise TypeError(obj) self._comment = CommentInterface(self) self._data = NotImplemented # must be initialized in subclasses @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of block (always in upper case).""" return @property def q(self) -> Optional[float]: """Return the Q value.""" return self.head.q @q.setter def q(self, value: Optional[float]) -> None: self.head.q = value
[docs] @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> Union[VT, Sequence[VT]]: """Return the value corresponding to the key."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: """Set the value for the key."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None: """Delete the value for the key."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_line(self, line: LT) -> None: """Add the line to the block, overriding if exists."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def keys(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[KT]: """Return the keys."""
__iter__ = keys
[docs] @abstractmethod def items(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[KT, VT]]: """Return (key, value) tuples."""
@abstractmethod def _lines(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[KT, LT]]: pass
[docs]class Block(AbsBlock[KeyType, ValueType, ValueLine, str]): """SLHA block that has one value for one key.""" def __init__(self, obj: Union[BlockHeadLine, str]) -> None: super().__init__(obj) self._data = OrderedDict() # type: OrderedDict[KeyType, ValueLine]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: KeyType) -> ValueType: """Return the value corresponding to the key.""" return self._data[key].value
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: KeyType, value: ValueType) -> None: """Set the value for the key.""" if key in self._data: self._data[key].value = value else: self._data[key] =, value)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: KeyType) -> None: """Delete the value for the key.""" del self._data[key]
[docs] def update_line(self, line: ValueLine) -> None: """Add the line to the block, overriding if exists.""" self._data[line.key] = line
[docs] def merge(self, another: "Union[Block, InfoBlock]") -> None: """Merge another block.""" if isinstance(another, Block): for _, line in another._lines(): self.update_line(line) else: raise ValueError(another)
[docs] def get(self, *key: Any, default: T) -> Union[ValueType, T]: """Return the value for the key if exists, or default value.""" # Here, `key` is always a tuple. # Meanwhile, the key for `__getitem__` is a tuple only if length > 1. if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 1: key = key[0] if key in self._data: return self.__getitem__(key) else: return default
[docs] def keys(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[KeyType]: """Return the keys.""" for k, _ in self._lines(sort=sort): yield k
__iter__ = keys
[docs] def items(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[KeyType, ValueType]]: """Return (key, value) tuples.""" for k, line in self._lines(sort=sort): yield k, line.value
def _lines(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[KeyType, ValueLine]]: if sort: key_line_tuples = list(self._data.items()) key_line_tuples.sort(key=lambda k: k[0]) for i in key_line_tuples: yield i else: for i in self._data.items(): yield i def _get_comment(self, key: KeyType) -> str: return self._data[key].comment def _get_pre_comment(self, key: KeyType) -> List[str]: return self._data[key].pre_comment def _set_comment(self, key: KeyType, value: Optional[str]) -> None: self._data[key].comment = value or "" def _set_pre_comment(self, key: KeyType, value: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> None: self._data[key].pre_comment = [v for v in value] if value else []
[docs]class InfoBlock(AbsBlock[InfoKeyType, InfoValueType, InfoLine, List[str]]): """SLHA block that may have multiple values for one key.""" def __init__(self, obj: Union[BlockHeadLine, str]) -> None: super().__init__(obj) self._data = [] # type: List[InfoLine]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: InfoKeyType) -> Sequence[InfoValueType]: """Return the value corresponding to the key.""" return tuple(line.value for line in self._data if line.key == key)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: InfoKeyType, value: Sequence[InfoValueType]) -> None: """Set the value for the key.""" if isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(value) # Fail-safe; only List[str] is allowed! self.__delitem__(key) self._data.extend([InfoLine(key, v) for v in value])
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: InfoKeyType) -> None: """Delete the value for the key.""" self._data = [line for line in self._data if line.key != key]
[docs] def update_line(self, line: InfoLine) -> None: """Add the line to the block, overriding if exists.""" self.__delitem__(line.key) self._data.append(line)
[docs] def append_line(self, line: InfoLine) -> None: """Add the line, appending to the existing one if exists.""" self._data.append(line)
[docs] def append(self, key: InfoKeyType, value: InfoValueType) -> None: """Append the value for the key.""" self.append_line(InfoLine(key, value))
[docs] def merge(self, another: "Union[Block, InfoBlock]") -> None: """Merge another block.""" if isinstance(another, InfoBlock): updated = {} # type: MutableMapping[InfoKeyType, bool] for key, line in another._lines(): if updated.get(key): self.append_line(line) else: updated[key] = True self.update_line(line) else: raise ValueError(another)
[docs] def keys(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[InfoKeyType]: """Return the keys.""" keys_dict = {} # type: MutableMapping[InfoKeyType, bool] for line in self._data: keys_dict[line.key] = True keys = list(keys_dict.keys()) if sort: keys.sort() for k in keys: yield k
__iter__ = keys
[docs] def items(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[InfoKeyType, InfoValueType]]: """Return (key, value) tuples.""" for key, line in self._lines(sort): yield key, line.value
def _lines(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[InfoKeyType, InfoLine]]: for key in self.keys(sort): for line in self._data: if line.key == key: yield key, line def _get_comment(self, key: InfoKeyType) -> List[str]: return [line.comment for line in self._data if line.key == key] def _get_pre_comment(self, key: InfoKeyType) -> List[str]: return self._data[key].pre_comment def _set_comment(self, key: InfoKeyType, value: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> None: lines = [line for line in self._data if line.key == key] if value is None: value = [] if len(lines) < len(value): raise ValueError(value) # too many values for i, line in enumerate(lines): if i < len(value): line.comment = value[i] def _set_pre_comment( self, key: InfoKeyType, value: Optional[Sequence[str]] ) -> None: for line in self._data: if line.key == key: line.pre_comment = [v for v in value] if value else [] value = [] # to remove all the remaining pre_comment
[docs]class Decay(GenericBlock[DecayKeyType, str]): """Decay block.""" br_normalize_threshold = 1.0e-6 # type: ClassVar[float] def __init__(self, obj: Union[DecayHeadLine, int]) -> None: super().__init__() if isinstance(obj, DecayHeadLine): self.head = obj # type: DecayHeadLine elif isinstance(obj, int): self.head = DecayHeadLine(pid=obj, width=0) else: raise TypeError(obj) self._data = ( OrderedTupleOrderInsensitiveDict() ) # type: OrderedTupleOrderInsensitiveDict[DecayKeyType, DecayLine] @property def pid(self) -> int: """Return the pid of mother particle.""" return @property def width(self) -> float: """Return the total width.""" return self.head.width
[docs] def update_line(self, line: DecayLine) -> None: """Add the line to the block, overriding if exists.""" self._data[line.key] = line
[docs] def br(self, *key: int) -> DecayValueType: """Return the BR of given channel.""" if key in self._data: return self._data[key].br else: return 0
[docs] def partial_width(self, *key: int) -> float: """Return the width of given channel.""" return self.width **key)
[docs] def keys(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[DecayKeyType]: """Return the keys.""" for k, _ in self._lines(sort): yield k
__iter__ = keys
[docs] def items_br(self, sort=False): # type: (bool)->Iterator[Tuple[DecayKeyType, DecayValueType]] """Return (key, BR) tuples, sorted by the BR.""" for k, line in self._lines(sort): yield k,
[docs] def items_partial_width(self, sort=False): # type: (bool)->Iterator[Tuple[DecayKeyType, float]] """Return (key, width) tuples, sorted by the BR.""" for k, line in self._lines(sort): yield k, self.width *
def _lines(self, sort: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[DecayKeyType, DecayLine]]: if sort: key_line_tuples = list(self._data.items()) key_line_tuples.sort(key=lambda k: -k[1].br) for i in key_line_tuples: yield i else: for i in self._data.items(): yield i def _get_comment(self, key: DecayKeyType) -> str: return self._data[key].comment def _get_pre_comment(self, key: DecayKeyType) -> List[str]: return self._data[key].pre_comment def _set_comment(self, key: DecayKeyType, value: Optional[str]) -> None: self._data[key].comment = value or "" def _set_pre_comment( self, key: DecayKeyType, value: Optional[Sequence[str]] ) -> None: self._data[key].pre_comment = [v for v in value] if value else []
[docs] def normalize(self, force: bool = False) -> None: """Normalize the branching ratios. This method normalize all the branching ratios so that the sum becomes unity or less. In particular, if `force` is set True, they are normalized so that the sum becomes unity, regardless of the current value. If `force` is False and the sum is less than one, the branching ratio is not normalized, assuming that some decay channels are not listed. If `force` is False and the sum slightly exceeds the unity, the branching ratios are normalized, while if the excess is larger than `br_normalize_threshold`, `ValueError` is raised. """ br_list = [br for _, br in self.items_br(sort=True)] total = sum(reversed(br_list)) # sum taken from smaller to reduce error if not total > 0: return # stable particle elif force: logger.debug("BR for %d force normalized: %g",, total) pass # to normalize elif total > 1 + self.br_normalize_threshold: logger.critical("BR for %d exceeds unity: %g",, total) raise ValueError(total) elif total >= 1: pass # to normalize else: # if force==False and total < 1 rest = 1 - total assert rest > 0 if rest > self.br_normalize_threshold: if hasattr(self, "_br_warned"): pass else: # warn only once self._br_warned = True logger.warning("BR for %d is less than unity by %g",, rest) return # not normalize for v in self._data.values(): /= total
[docs] def set_partial_width(self, *args: Union[int, float]) -> None: """Update the partial width and recalculate BRs of all channels.""" if len(args) < 3 or not all(isinstance(i, int) for i in args[:-1]): raise KeyError(*args) key = cast(List[int], args[:-1]) new_partial_width = float(args[-1]) self.normalize() if key in self._data: old_partial_width = self.partial_width(*key) else: old_partial_width = 0 self.update_line(DecayLine(br=0, channel=key)) # update total width old_width = self.width new_width = new_partial_width - old_partial_width + old_width self.head.width = new_width # update the modified channel self._data[key].br = new_partial_width / new_width target = self._data[key] for line in self._data.values(): if line != target: *= old_width / new_width
[docs] def remove(self, *key: int) -> None: """Remove the channel and recalculate BRs of all the other channels.""" self.set_partial_width(*key, 0) del self._data[key]